McDonald’s Secret Menu Items

Fast Food

If you like McDonald’s, you’ll love these secret menu items. I got to try three of these things—but you can do yours here. The Secret Menu McGlory Fried Chicken It takes a lot of cooking to get to where they get the best McGlory chicken; they’ve done the cooking in house. This is a perfect… Continue reading McDonald’s Secret Menu Items

Grandma’s Amazing Lasagna Recipe

Background Close Up of Frilled Edges of Dry Lasagna Noodles - Arranged in Diagonal Pattern Across Frame

My grandmother’s recipe for lasagna is as amazing as her recipe for lasagna. So great. It is so much easier when you make lasagna from scratch. In all, I’ve made this lasagna for the last week. I’ve made the lasagna with a batch of the lasagnes, followed by lasagna for lunch. This is my lasagna… Continue reading Grandma’s Amazing Lasagna Recipe