Crikey! with Steve Irwin S01E02 – SCP-098

WikiImages on Pixabay
Photo by WikiImages on Pixabay

[OPENING SEQUENCE] Opening sequence featuring brief glimpses of various SCPs. Many are blurred or completely covered with black redaction boxes. STEVE IRWIN (V.O.): Welcome to the second episode of Crikey! I’m your guide, Steve Irwin. Join me on this exciting adventure as we explore some of un-nature’s most mysterious and interesting creatures. Today’s topic SCP-098,… Continue reading Crikey! with Steve Irwin S01E02 – SCP-098

The Sea Is a Place of Death


Humanity has been driven into the sea by the undead. 100 years later the boats and ships are sinking more each year. One family makes the desperate choice to land. The world looks like it might be sinking into despair.The ocean has become as black as black holes. A young couple are walking on an… Continue reading The Sea Is a Place of Death

The Great War of The Undead Old Gods


This only took three tries to get something coherent and relevant to the topic that was good enough quality I was OK with posting it to the reddit thread. Here it is… The hellish trenches of the Great War were dug rapidly and with very little regard of what came before. So, when the bones… Continue reading The Great War of The Undead Old Gods